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What is Chinese Medicine?Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system originating from China over 3,000 years ago. TCM encompasses many different mind-body practices. TCM includes acupuncture, moxibustion (burning an herb above the skin to heat the acupuncture points), Chinese herbal medicine, tui na (Chinese therapeutic massage), dietary therapy, and tai chi and qi gong (practices combining specific movements and postures with coordinated breathing and mental focus). These practices are applied and operate under the belief that disease comes from an energetic imbalance in the body. Therefore, during each treatment, the goal is to create balance in the body to resolve illness indefinitely. Most notably, acupuncture and herbal medicine are the cornerstones of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture is a therapeutic practice that inserts hair-thin needles into multiple areas in the body. The needles are placed in accordance with each patient’s energetic imbalance. The goal of each treatment is a progression toward the resolution of the disease or symptom of the disease. Each patients experience is different regarding duration. Chinese herbal medicine is an essential counterpart to acupuncture. Herbal medicine augments the effects of acupuncture. This treatment is used alone or in conjunction with acupuncture. The herbal formulas are customized for each patient. The formulas are available in multiple forms — tea, capsules, granules, and tinctures. The herbs are derived from food and plants that grow all around us. The herbal formulas are intended for daily consumption. The change in symptomology of disease or disease itself varies with each patient.
Does my insurance cover treatments?Before your appointment check with your provider. We do except HSA and Flex spending.
What can I expect during my appointment?Your initial appointment will be between 75 and 90 minutes. We will get to know you during a 30 to 45-minute intake session then spend 5-8 minutes doing needle insertion. You will then rest with the acupuncture needles in for 15 to 40 minutes, depending upon the type of treatment you are receiving. Follow up treatments will last an hour. They will consist of a 5 to 15-minute intake and a 30 to 45 minute relaxation period with the needles. Acupuncture is not a one size fits all treatment. 20 people could receive treatment for migraines and each session would be different. Acupuncture points used during each treatment are catered specifically to the individual's needs. We take the time to get to know you and learn the cause of your ailment. From there we will create a custom method to work towards healing.
How many sessions does it take to see results?At Michigan Acupuncture Studio we ask to see our patients weekly at first until they start feeling the relief of their ailment or ailments. Some patients feel relief after one treatment and others may take a few treatments until they start feeling results. Each appointment is completely personalized to meet the needs of the client.
How does acupuncture work?Quite simply, acupuncture brings the body back into an energetically balanced state. Acupuncture points are located along channels or pathways throughout the body. Needles are inserted along those channels according to Chinese medical diagnoses to alter blood flow and generate an overall balance in the body. Dana will customize your treatment based on the pattern of your whole body, which she gathers from your intake.
What conditions can be treated with Acupuncture?The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture for respiratory diseases from asthma to the common cold. Dental issues such as toothaches and even gingivitis can also be alleviated by acupuncture. Patients suffering from a number of orthopedic issues, gastrointestinal disorders, and neurologic issues have seen relief from this procedure.
What are acupuncture needles? Do they hurt and are they safe?All of our needles are one-time use only and are sterile. They are flexible and hair thin, ranging from .12mm to .35mm. The body of the needle is solid unlike conventional needles, which are hollow. The feeling of needle insertion varies with each individual, some do not feel anything, while others compare it to a mosquito bite. Once the needles are in, patients may experience “de qi,” which is a heavy, dull ache or “buzzing” sensation. Generally, most of our patients fall asleep during the treatment. After treatment, many people tend to feel extremely relaxed and describe it as hitting the reset button on the body.
How tiny is an acupuncture needle?The most common, but inaccurate association is with the hypodermic needle, or the needle used to draw blood. While it does vary based on the specific acupuncture needle used, on average you can fit 20 acupuncture needles into a single hypodermic needle. The kinds of needles used will be determined by your practitioner, their preferred style, and treatment type, however they do come in different sizes and lengths. In sensitive areas such as your face we will use shorter thinner needles and in more muscular areas, such as your glutes, we will use thicker needles.
Where do the needles go?From head to toe, the human body has over 300 acupuncture points all connected by the meridian system. This large number of points (each with their individual and special function) contribute to a large number of ailments acupuncture can treat.
Does cupping hurt? And is bruising normal?Cupping does not hurt. A vacuum is created on the skin via suction using glass or plastic cups. The vacuum pulls the skin and muscle tissue resulting in broken capillaries on the skin’s surface. This increases blood flow and oxygen to the “cupped” area mitigating muscle and joint pain. After a cupping treatment, you may notice the residual marks are different colors. Why is that? Different color marks tell us different things about that spot in the body. Check out the chart to see specifically what each one means. Remember marks are nothing to worry about. They will fade in a few days, and up to a few weeks. Side effects are rare, but remember to drink plenty of water to flush out “toxins” pulled out during the process.

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