As the vibrant colors of summer fade into the warm, earthy tones of autumn, it's the perfect time to tune in to the changing rhythms of nature and our own bodies. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the transition from summer to autumn signifies a shift from the Yang phase to the Yin phase. During this time, it's essential to align our diets with the changing seasons to promote balance and harmony within ourselves.

Autumn, with its crisp air and falling leaves, is often considered a "dry" season in TCM. This dryness can manifest in various ways, such as dry and itchy skin, persistent coughs, sore throats, sinus congestion, headaches, and even constipation. To counter these effects and ensure our bodies are in sync with the autumnal energy, we can turn to the wisdom of TCM and embrace nourishing recipes that support our Yin.
In this blog post, you will find autumn recipes that not only tantalize your taste buds but also provide the nourishment your Yin energy craves during this transitional season. These recipes are designed to help you stay in harmony with the autumnal flow. Join us as we celebrate the flavors and wisdom of autumn, one nourishing recipe at a time.

Beetroot Salad
Beetroot enhances blood nourishment, while yogurt promotes Yin nourishment, supports intestinal health, and contributes to cooling the body. When combined, these ingredients form a refreshing, moisture-balancing salad.
4 beetroots
1 cup of Greek or goat yogurt
1 teaspoon of dill
1 small sweet onion
Grate or chop the beetroot finely into a salad bowl.
Mix together the yogurt, dill, and finely chopped onion.
Pour the mixture over the beetroot and allow it to sit for 20 minutes.

Oats serve as a Qi tonic that warms the Spleen and Stomach, making them particularly effective in addressing constipation. To enhance their benefits and promote Yin nourishment, consider incorporating tahini, apples, and pears into your diet.
1 cup oats
2 ½ cups water
Oats can be cooked on a stovetop, or you can try soaking the oats overnight before cooking.
While cooking, add a bit of tahini (depending on how much you desire), and add in small chopped pieces of apple and/or pear.
Voila! A simple yin nourishing breakfast

Carrot & Tofu Quiche
The blend of tofu, carrot, and parsley offers nourishment for Yin, blood, and Qi. Meanwhile, the inclusion of onion, garlic, dill, and orange rind imparts warmth and effectively balances any potential dampness or stagnation resulting from the pastry's richness.
4 carrots
1 pound tofu
Pinch of salt
1 small onion
1 clove garlic
½ teaspoon of dill seed
1 teaspoon grated orange rind
2 tablespoons fresh parsley
Sprinkle of sesame seeds
One 9″ pastry pie dish
Steam the carrots until soft, and then strain and mash.
In a separate bowl, blend the tofu with some of the leftover carrot water and add a pinch of salt. Use enough water to give the tofu a creamy consistency.
Finely chop the onion and garlic, and add to the tofu mixture with the grated orange rind, dill, and parsley.
Stir in the mashed carrots and mix ingredients well.
Pour mixture into the 9″ pastry dish, sprinkle some sesame seeds, and bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes.